barang tahan bahasa Inggris
- barang: chattel; object; producen; stuff; thing; ware;
- tahan: hardy; last; proof against; proofed against;
- barang tahan lama: durables; durable goods
- barang tak tahan: non-durable good
- tahan: hardy; last; proof against; proofed against; -proof; hold; proof; resist; resistant; stand for; wear; abide; jail; long-lived; pick up; lag; nail; vibrant; hold up; stick; tolerance; support; lean o
- barang: chattel; object; producen; stuff; thing; ware; goods (economics); goods; -ware; affair; things; question; doodad; whatchamacallit; thingumabob; good; luggage; any; item; thingmabob; gismo; doohickey
- barang-barang: goods; household utensils; stuff; wares; things; clothes; merchandise; items; products; equipment
- boleh tahan: not bad
- cek tahan: bounced cheque
- dapat tahan: wearable
- daya tahan: endurance; stamina; resistance; tolerance; resistor; ohmic resistance; electric resistance; immunity; sufferance; survival; supersoldier; electrical resistance; underground; resistivity; impedance
- gunung tahan: mt. tahan; mount tahan
- sungai tahan: tahan river
- tahan air: water-resistant; waterproof
- tahan api: fire proof; fire-resistant; fireproof; fireresistant; flame resistant; flameproof; incombustible; noncombustible
- So we, the nonperishables, created a story.
Jadi kami, barang tahan lama, menciptakan sebuah cerita. - US durable goods orders fall 4.4% in October
Pesanan barang tahan lama AS jatuh 4.4% pada bulan Oktober - We the nonperishables, motherfucker.
Kami Barang Tahan Lama. - We promise supply you high quanlity and durable goods for you.
Kami berjanji menyediakan quanlity tinggi dan barang tahan lama untuk Anda. - Item Heat Resistant 100 Degree~150 Degree Tissue Tape For Splicing Paper
Barang Tahan Panas 100 Derajat ~ 150 Derajat Pita Tisu Untuk Kertas Penyambungan - 3.High thermal efficiency, small size, low weight, design flexibility,energy saving,fast operation,durable item has long life span.
3. efisiensi termal yang tinggi, ukuran kecil, berat badan rendah, fleksibilitas desain, hemat energi, operasi cepat, barang tahan lama memiliki rentang umur panjang. - The transaction is generally done for fixed assets, notably real estate, as well as for durable and capital goods such as airplanes and trains.
Transaksi tersebut umumnya dilakukan untuk aset-aset tetap, terutama lahan nyata, serta untuk barang tahan lama dan kapital seperti pesawat dan kereta. - Natural rubber and other materials make the wheels have goods flexibility, wearproof, no drag marks. And enhance the impact resistance of the whole castor.
Karet alam dan material lainnya membuat roda memiliki fleksibilitas barang, tahan aus, tidak ada tanda seret. Dan meningkatkan resistensi dampak dari seluruh kastor. - Asia Pacific sandblasting media market share was over 45% in 2015. Significant durable goods sector and growing infrastructure spending is favorable for the region.
Asia Pasifik sandblasting pangsa pasar media adalah lebih dari 45% di tahun 2015. Signifikan sektor barang tahan lama dan berkembang belanja infrastruktur menguntungkan bagi wilayah tersebut. - Durable goods orders are a measure of the new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediate and future delivery of factory hard goods. Monthly percentage changes reflect the rate of change of these orders.
Pesanan barang tahan lama adalah ukuran pesanan baru yang diberikan pada produsen dalam negeri untuk pengiriman segera dan di masa depan terhadap barang-barang tahan lama pabrik. Persentase perubahan bulanan mencerminkan tingkat perubahan pesanan ini.